Friday, January 13, 2017

It's been a while since I've posted, and what better way to get back into some Unreasonable Words than with members of a Facebook group called "Donald Trump Is The Man"?!

Behold the ridiculousness of the following exchange that occurred as a result of this initial post. Surprisingly, the initial post didn't appear to be charged with loaded vocabulary. But don't worry, the group members quickly made up for that.

Why is the standard so very different for the President-elect? Unless you've been living solely in a Fox news bubble and all your friends on Facebook are also outspoken conservative Trump supporters, it's hard not to notice that "Trump" and "respect" rarely mesh well together. And it's *CNN* acting like Soap Opera Stars?! 

This response prompted a copy-and-paste job. Of course she didn't cite her sources, but it was fairly easy to find this whole thing with a quick Google search. Call me crazy or judgmental, but I couldn't see this woman seamlessly using the word "patently" in a sentence. 

Many of those statements in the snippet above are flat out false, by the way. Anyone who cared to actually do some research would find that out pretty quickly. And of course this person doesn't recognize that in the United States, there's this little clause called "separation of church and state."

It's really interesting to me that whoever wrote this decided that kneeling football players is a sign of this country being "injured"...and that that was the first piece of "evidence" for such subjective speculation listed. I can think of hundreds of other, probably more universally-agreed upon pieces of evidence, like, you know, the lack of action against crippling global climate change, the fact that this country has millions of people living below the poverty line (often due to a system that is rigged against helping the most vulnerable), the high rates of suicide among war veterans, the abysmal performance of many students in math and sciences (religious authorities insisting that superstition be treated with equal value in the science classroom), etc. Also, the fact that this anonymous author claims that a rather isolated show of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement somehow implies that kids are now "programmed" to do these things...just, wow. 

And I don't know, if respectfully choosing not to stand during a sign of superficial patriotism is a sign that this is "a generation of children who hate America," I really want to know what your standards of evidence are. 

But "Be Blessed"! 

What utter B.S.

I don't know where this guy came from, but this is literally his response to my ONE very short comment. It's rather mind-boggling. The inability to distinguish between "they're", "their", and "there" is really just the icing on the cake. 

This thread disappeared and I was unable to search for the original commenter. She blocked me on Facebook. 

Who needs a "safe space" now?

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