Thursday, January 26, 2017

I almost don't even have words for what I'm about to post.
A few days ago, I responded to this comment in a very civil and brief manner. I told her that I was proud that my mother, sister, and many friends marched, and that it wasn't merely about "our" rights. It's about the rights, common sense, and decency we should all value as Americans, all of which our new president has severely compromised. Almost instantaneously, my comment was deleted.

Today, well...just take a look at what she posted. From previous discussions it was more than apparent that she hated Hillary Clinton, but admitted to voting for one of the main candidates. 

Apparently this conservative is more concerned about the price of Mexican-made boots than all the truly valid reasons her fellow Americans marched. 

Somehow, this isn't surprising. But the longer I stay in the south, the more apparent it is that "southern hospitality" is pretty limited to folks with like opinions. Also, I kid you not, I have never been around so many adults who purport Christianity who openly judge other people for their appearance, race, and sexual orientation.

Update 1/30: Friend posted this on Facebook. It's too perfect.

Friday, January 13, 2017

It's been a while since I've posted, and what better way to get back into some Unreasonable Words than with members of a Facebook group called "Donald Trump Is The Man"?!

Behold the ridiculousness of the following exchange that occurred as a result of this initial post. Surprisingly, the initial post didn't appear to be charged with loaded vocabulary. But don't worry, the group members quickly made up for that.

Why is the standard so very different for the President-elect? Unless you've been living solely in a Fox news bubble and all your friends on Facebook are also outspoken conservative Trump supporters, it's hard not to notice that "Trump" and "respect" rarely mesh well together. And it's *CNN* acting like Soap Opera Stars?! 

This response prompted a copy-and-paste job. Of course she didn't cite her sources, but it was fairly easy to find this whole thing with a quick Google search. Call me crazy or judgmental, but I couldn't see this woman seamlessly using the word "patently" in a sentence. 

Many of those statements in the snippet above are flat out false, by the way. Anyone who cared to actually do some research would find that out pretty quickly. And of course this person doesn't recognize that in the United States, there's this little clause called "separation of church and state."

It's really interesting to me that whoever wrote this decided that kneeling football players is a sign of this country being "injured"...and that that was the first piece of "evidence" for such subjective speculation listed. I can think of hundreds of other, probably more universally-agreed upon pieces of evidence, like, you know, the lack of action against crippling global climate change, the fact that this country has millions of people living below the poverty line (often due to a system that is rigged against helping the most vulnerable), the high rates of suicide among war veterans, the abysmal performance of many students in math and sciences (religious authorities insisting that superstition be treated with equal value in the science classroom), etc. Also, the fact that this anonymous author claims that a rather isolated show of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement somehow implies that kids are now "programmed" to do these things...just, wow. 

And I don't know, if respectfully choosing not to stand during a sign of superficial patriotism is a sign that this is "a generation of children who hate America," I really want to know what your standards of evidence are. 

But "Be Blessed"! 

What utter B.S.

I don't know where this guy came from, but this is literally his response to my ONE very short comment. It's rather mind-boggling. The inability to distinguish between "they're", "their", and "there" is really just the icing on the cake. 

This thread disappeared and I was unable to search for the original commenter. She blocked me on Facebook. 

Who needs a "safe space" now?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Some of you are aware of the spat that recently ensued on my Instagram account. Normally, my account is private, but I've entered a contest so it's been public for a few weeks now. In fact, the photo for said contest is one of a few that attracted negative attention.

I consider myself to be a conservationist, and a proponent of animal welfare. There are important distinctions that set animal welfare apart from animal rights. Animal welfare, in my opinion, is the side that all reasonable humans should be on. No reasonable human being wants animals to be abused, neglected, or tortured. As an animal welfare proponent, I want more humane treatment of animals in agriculture, the restriction of puppy mills, the most humane methods in hunting to be used...those kinds of things. I don't want people to stop hunting, stop having domestic animals, or stop studying nature through conscientious use of scientific collection. I love natural history museums, my stepfather grew up as a fur trapper and has had a nuisance wildlife trapping business for nearly two decades, and I clean animal skulls from legally hunted and trapped North American species. I occasionally buy animal skulls from fellow osteology enthusiasts. Never would I want to promote trade in endangered and threatened species.

Animal rights (AR), on the other hand, in its most extreme form, espouses no human ownership of animals and no use of any animal products whatsoever. AR activists often promote assigning animals the same rights as humans. There are lots of more moderate AR folks out there, who would probably never have a problem with the sight of say, a fox pelt and skull that had been salvaged from a roadkill animal. But the subject of this post is definitely not one of those. She is not only against all killing of animals, she believes that humans are sick and contributing to the "negative energy" of the world if they choose hobbies such as mine. She thinks even found deceased animals should be left alone because she equates admiring/collecting/handling any part of a dead animal to "playing with it" and "fukery." Yeah. Still not sure if she was trying to not formally swear on IG, or if she just likes to alter how she spells variations of the word.

A note on leaving animal remains in the environment - I'm not going to downplay the importance of enriching the Earth and the capacity for contributing nutrients to other life forms. Decomposition is a natural process of chemical cycling. In fact, when I go shed antler hunting, I am rather discriminating in what I will collect. I know squirrels love them and they're a great source of minerals. But my knowledge of chemical cycling is not going to prevent me from collecting a few things. I think it's really a drop in the bucket, so to speak, especially when one considers just how much humans have altered the environment.

OK, now to the unreasonableness! This is my contest post -- the contest is from the maker of the fox pins I'm wearing. And no, I don't normally "wear" pelts.

Nope, she doesn't care that this animal was not killed on purpose. She would have rather seen its gorgeous pelt and amazing skull pummeled into the pavement. 

And yeah, she's one of those people who would probably think that killing the most intelligent mammal on Earth - her fellow humans - would be perfectly acceptable if it got a message about use of animals across. A HUMAN SKIN ONESIE, she would wear. BUT *I* AM THE SICK ONE! exactly...does. that. work?

How can someone collect things like this and have a live dog!!??

Yeah, must have nefarious plans for him alright!

Can I just say "ugh" to the use of "u lot" to describe a group of people? Ugh.

Must have plans for other peoples' pets, too! I certainly can't appreciate other animals, and I'm not qualified to assess whether I am or not. Surely a stranger from another country is the best judge of my character!

(I have no desire to possess a domestic canine or pet skull of any type).

...her full comment from above: 

Ha...not like I've ever volunteered for multiple humane societies or anything (I have, my own dog was a foster, and I've fostered other animals as well). Oh and ya know, I have friends, also with advanced degrees in biology, who work in zoos on animal enrichment. So yeah...not going to try to shut down zoos, either. They serve an important role in education and genetic reserves for life's diversity. 

I tried to tell her...

Before I saved her response to this, I reported a comment and blocked her. She basically said, no, I didn't help animals and I shouldn't think that I did, that the only reason cheetahs need conserving is because of "people like me" killing them for "trophies." Totally false, by the way - if anything cheetahs need to be protected from folks who want them for exotic pets. There is relatively little traffic in cheetah parts, and the main threat to them is habitat loss (#1 threat to most species) and farmers/ranchers in southern Africa killing them to protect their livestock, which is exactly what The Cheetah Conservation Fund works to reduce with its livestock guardian dog program and habitat restoration efforts. She also told me that just because something is legal, it doesn't mean it's right; take a law that allows 11 year old girls to be married in some country. Yeah, because collecting animal skulls/pelts is SO equivalent to sexual exploitation of children!

Then there was this. According to her, hunting is wrong and terrible and it's such a shitty idea to teach our next generation to hunt and be self-sufficient (it's extra ironic because this boy's family farms soybeans...)

Rest of her comment:

Does she hand-harvest all her own hand-planted vegetables, grown without the use of any pesticides, organic or not? Because industrial farming of fruit/veg kills MANY animals...

There is no talking sense to someone like this, but I tried. Considering I have literally been saving animals since the time I was 5 years old, I think my empathy levels and moral compass are both pretty damn strong. One of my favorite activities in the summer was to religiously check our little swimming pool and save the grasshoppers and other bugs that got trapped, and capture the tadpoles in polluted orchard run-off ponds, raise, then release them as tiny, adorable frogs. 

Oooh well...when someone who doesn't know you, doesn't even live in the same country, and who believes in negative energies from non-living organic matter tries to tell you what's's probably safe to assume *they don't know* what's up at all. But I'm sure she'll continue to live in her little self-righteous bubble, trolling people on IG, because that's most definitely the best way to make a positive diff!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

I guess I shouldn't expect any more (or less), being a native west coaster in the south. This is the video I commented on. If you are a reasonable person, prepare to cringe:

BTW, the first two responses after the video I posted are by different people in the same family. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

A while back, I posted this on Facebook, publicly (click to read). 

42 people shared it, and I received three message requests from strangers, one of which is as follows: 

In your comment regarding the poor twins that were left in a hot car to die by their Father, which is a horrible tragedy. You seem to project that you are some specialist on the subject then throw in the racial statement? Did that in someway have a barring on the tragedy? I am fed up with all like you that put a color on anything except the sky. Human, humans. That is it!!! The tragedy is those two little girls should not have died. As far as charges all parents should be charged. You seem to just pull your statistics out of thin air, but make sure you throw in race.

Hmm...I am assuming she means a "bearing" on the tragedy. I am baffled as to what she means by "...all like you that put a color on anything except the sky." (Seriously, has anyone heard that expression before?)


I snooped on her Facebook page, and lo and behold she has posted all kinds of conspiracy crap about Hillary Clinton. Oh, America...

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Sometimes when you try to combat misinformation, you get called "stupid" and a "sheeple." What can you expect from folks who throw around terms like "Monsatan" (and "sheeple") though?

Anyway, the comments I posted were in regards to a video in which a speaker railed against Monsanto's "terminator technology."

Also how can one continue with "the point is...Monsanto is the enemy" after being confronted with information that runs contrary to what you're basing your opinion on?

Sunday, August 7, 2016

I admit it, I have hobbies that some might consider strange, or even disturbing. I like taxidermy, and I own a small colony of Dermestid beetles that eat the flesh off animal skulls for me...I'm working on quite the natural history collection.

Naturally, I am a member of some odd groups on Facebook. One such group is the source of our first "unreasonable things" post...and just for the record, no - I do not collect human remains!